With the “Activities“ cube you can get an overview of the activities that are organized in your community. Here you can subscribe or unsubscribe to activities, view the history of the activities you have subscribed to in the past, and get some general information about the activities. Let’s begin by opening the Activities cube.
- Activities | Overview of the cube
- Activities | How to sign up for an activity
- Activities | How to sign up for an activity from a tablet
- Activities | How to see which activities you have signed up for
- Activities | How to see which activities you have signed up for on a tablet
- Activities | How to unsubscribe from an activity
- Activities | Highlight an Activity
- Activities | Overview of the administrator's interface
- Activities | Process flow
- Activities | How to create a new activity
- Activities | How to edit an activity
- Activities | How to clone an activity
Administrator | Zoom and YouTube
- YouTube | How to set up a YouTube brand account
- YouTube Live | How to set up virtual activities in your community
- YouTube Live | How to Livestream an event
- YouTube Scheduling | How to play a YouTube video on the digital signage
- YouTube | How to create a virtual activity as a corporate user
- Zoom | How do I create and host a Zoom-activity?