Access and Download Cubigo
If you are new to Cubigo then start here. We will explain how to get started in a few easy steps.
Access & Basics
- Access | Welcome Invitation
- Access | Log in to Cubigo
- Access | Operating system requirements
- Access | What to do when you have a perpetual login screen?
- Basics | Cubigo Definitions
- Basics | Change your Password
Installing the Cubigo app
- Installation | How to Add a Cubigo Shortcut to your Computer's Desktop
- Installation | Quick start guide
- Installation | Cubigo for iOS
- Installation | Cubigo for Android
- Installation | Cubigo app for Apple (Mac) computers
- Installation | Cubigo app for Windows computers
For Administrators and Staff
- Cubigo apps | Latest versions
- Cubigo System Performance Status Page
- Access | Overview of the roles
- Access | Overview of the backoffice panel
- Resident Onboarding | Updating a resident profile
- Resident Onboarding | Download & Install the App