Quick Request is a digital post-it with a limited number of required fields to fill out quickly, call back later and follow up further. It replaces the call book or post-its that you jot down 'on the go'.
How to register ?
Using the menu bar at the top, you can access this Quick Request from any page.
Fill in the required fields as requested: first name and surname, mobile (cell phone) or phone number.
If Cubigo already knows this person, the corresponding results will appear on the right.
Enter the postal code to refine the list of corresponding results !
1.Found! -->Select this person -by right clicking on the profile- to continue and fill out the quick request further
2. Not found? -->Fill the quick request
Complete the quick request with the required fields and select the appropriate theme from the list (what is the reason for the call). Optionally select the preferred provider (from the list) and leave a free text as a note. This note will be retained during further processing of this request.
The quick request will be found in the central list Pipeline requests under this topic. The quick requests are listed with the status "quick request".
Keep the quick request (limited amount of data) or switch to a full request if time and conversation allow. The full request follows the 3 regular steps (contact info->theme->referral). From a full request you can start the tasks for follow-up.
How to proceed ?
Go to Pipeline/Requests and filter the central list according to the status "Quick request" in order to retrieve it for further follow-up.
Click on the horizontal line to open this quick request and complete it through the regular request flow. You first choose whether the contact information recorded in the quick request is from the contact person or the prospect. Depending on your choice, Cubigo provides the appropriate forms.
Use the action button to already designate a relationship manager (SPOC) for this quick request, so that it does not get lost.
If it appears from the further telephone follow-up that it is not a concrete request after all or that it has already been filled in, you can close the quick request with the status ' Closed no interest'.
Regularly check the list of Requests for which no task has been created (see 2nd column in the list) and schedule the appropriate task.
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