Tasks always belong to a particular request- to convert the lead.
Therefore, you can create a follow-up task to a request in 2 ways:
- Option 1: from the Requests list
- Option 2: from the list of Tasks
The task executor will receive a notification about the task assigned to him with information regarding the follow-up date= expiration date.
Option 1: from the Requests list
In the Requests list, find that request on which you want to note a follow-up task; use the filters for a theme, residency, or other.
Using the blue link for tasks, click on the task thread associated with this request.
Next, the existing task thread opens with detailed information and status per task. Using the brush, you can edit the existing tasks, you can delete a task or you can change the status of a task.
Then click 'Add Task' to add a new follow-up task.
Fill in the complete task detail with :
- Task Description
- Task type
- Task creation date
- Follow-up date = due date for execution
- Executor
- Note
Press Save to save this new follow-up task.
Option 2: from the list of Tasks
In the Tasks list, find that task on which you want to note a follow-up task; use the filters for task type, theme, or other.
Click the blue link to view the request's detailed information associated with the request and create an appropriate follow-up task.
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