Each new request will automatically be assigned a responsible. He/she ensures that this request is properly followed up and that the customer will experience excellent customer satisfaction.
The responsible is linked to the request.
When a request is created, the responsible will be informed through a notification.
Are you registering a quick request? This will also be directly assigned a responsible based on the theme and the provider you select.
Who is assigned?
As administrator, you can indicate who is responsible for your residence per offer type via Pipeline settings. He/she will automatically be informed with each new request for this type. You can also set up a group mailbox in the Pipeline/Settings: an FYI email will be sent to this mailbox with each new request.
If no responsible is set, a notification will go out to the email address with a call2action message to assign a responsible.
The person assigned as responsible remains the primary point of contact for this application. Thus, one prospect will potentially have multiple application managers across the organization.
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