Staff can manage all the activities calendars by going to ACTIVITIES > Settings.
All the calendars currently active in your community will be displayed in the settings overview grid.
The settings overview grid contains the following four columns:
- Calendar name
- Published to specific roles
- Primary role
- Action drop-down menu
Option 1: Add a Calendar
To add a new calendar, click on the [Add calendar] button in the top right corner.
CAUTION: To avoid creating duplicate calendars, only add a new calendar if it does not already appear in the settings overview grid.
Once the Add calendar form opens, you can add following information:
- Title - This is the title or name of the activities calendar you are adding. This information can be free texted with no character limit, but we recommend keeping the title or name short.
- Publish to specific roles - Which user role or roles does this calendar need to be published to? Click on this field to see a drop-down menu of all the roles available in your community. You can select one role or multiple roles if necessary. If you selected a role by mistake, click on the 'X' next to the name of the role to remove it from the field (this removes it from the field only, it does not permanently delete the role from the drop-down menu).
- Primary role - Any users with this role in their profile will see this calendar as their default calendar. The default for this field is No primary role selected. The primary role options will only appear if your have already selected a role or roles in the previous Publish to specific roles field.
When you are finished adding your new calendar information, click on the [Save] button at the bottom. If you do not want to save the new calendar, click on Cancel to return to the settings overview grid.
Option 2: Edit the Calendar
In the settings overview grid, click anywhere within the calendar's row to open that calendar's settings.
Once the Edit calendar form opens, you can modify the following information:
- Title - This is the title or name of the activities calendar you are adding. You can type over the existing title, or you can add to the existing title. This information can be free texted with no character limit, but we recommend keeping the title or name short.
- Publish to specific roles - Which user role or roles does this calendar need to be published to? Click on this field to see a drop-down menu of all the roles available in your community. You can select one role or multiple roles if necessary. If you selected a role by mistake, click on the 'X' next to the name of the role to remove it from the field (this removes it from the field only, it does not permanently delete the role from the drop-down menu).
- Primary role - Any users with this role in their profile will see this calendar as their default calendar. The default for this field is No primary role selected. The primary role options will only appear if your have already selected roles in the previous Publish to specific roles field.
When you are finished modifying your calendar information, click on the [Save] button at the bottom. If you do not want to save the modifications, click on Cancel to return to the settings overview grid.
Option 3: Delete the Calendar
NOTE: You should unlink activities from this calendar before deleting the calendar.
In the settings overview grid, go to the Action column (last column on the right) located within the row of the calendar you wish to delete. Click on the [Choose] drop-down menu, then select Delete. Once you have deleted the calendar, you will see a message box confirming Settings - Calendar deleted.
CAUTION: The calendar will be permanently deleted and CANNOT be restored once it has been deleted. The calendar will NOT be archived.
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