Cubigo creates -upon request- metrics reports that bring general trends and detailed information on the services in your community and on a corporate level.
Contact us for more information on this feature.
Power BI Embedded Dashboard
Cubigo works with Power BI to create metrics that highlight services and trends within your community. These metrics provide insightful information leading to an improved understanding of your residents and community operations.
For activities, we offer a report that focuses on the activities offered and resident engagement. You can find this report under the section 'Metrics'. By default, it will not be active, but can be activated per community -upon request-.
You can also access a dashboard with the following information:
- 2 bar graphs containing the top 10 and bottom 10 activities, based on attendance during the activity occurrences (please note it is necessary to complete attendance tracking in order to accumulate meaningful data).
- A line graph (to show trends) displaying the number of activity attendances versus the number of unique participants per week
- 4 KPIs (for the selected period specified in the date filter):
- The total number of tracked attendances
- The number of unique participants
- Resident participation: percentage of residents that have at least 1 attendance during the selected period
- Total number of activities organized during the selected period
- A line graph showing the number of activity occurrences versus the number of attendance-tracked activity occurrences per week
- A treemap containing the number of activity occurrences per activity dimension
Activities tab
Attendees & Level of Engagement tab
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