Group rides are a form of transportation requests that allow residents to subscribe to a particular group ride via the Transportation cube or via the Activities Calendar. These requests can then be processed via the Transportation cube.
To create a group ride go to Activities --> Items and click on the [Add activity] button.
1. Begin entering all relevant information about the ride.
2. Image - You can add an image to represent the ride. You can either click inside the grey box and select an image file, or drag and drop an image file from your computer into the grey box.
3. Start date - Select the start date of the activity. By default, the current date is selected as the start date. You can select any date in the future.
Start time - select the start time of the activity. By default, 12:00 PM is selected as the start time. To change the Starts at time, click on the up and down arrows or type the time directly into the time fields.
4. End time - If you want to define an end time, then checkmark the box next to Set end time as well. Another time selector will appear where you can set the Ends at time.
5. Repeat - By default, the activities (rides) are not set to repeat. You can choose from one of the following options in the Repeat drop-down list: Only this date, Daily, Only weekdays (mon-fri), Only weekends (sat-sun), Weekly (select days), Every 2 weeks (select days), Monthly (select day + week), Every 2 months (select day + week).
6. Title | Short description | Description - These three fields describe the activity (ride).
- The Title is a required field and is always displayed, i.e., in the overview of activities a user has subscribed to.
- The Short description is displayed underneath the title in the detail view of the activity.
- The Description (long description) appears underneath the short description.
7. Calendar - You can publish the group rides to all roles available in your community.
- Make your selection from the drop-down list for the target audience.
8. Location - Select the location from the drop-down list. This can be a meeting place for the group ride.
9. Attendees - You can set the maximum number of attendees for the ride. You will also have the option to activate a waitlist. Block recurrent sign-up - If the ride is recurrent, residents can subscribe to only one occurrence or to this one and all future occurrences. You can deactivate this option and block recurrent sign-up. In this case, residents will be able to subscribe only to the ride on one particular day. For more information about the Attendees settings please check the following article: Activity | How to create a new activity
NOTE: To make this ride available in the Transportation cube put a tick in the box near 'Enable sign up for this activity from the transportation service (group ride)'.
10. Set price for this ride - If there is an extra charge for the ride, you can set the price.
All attendees tracked for this ride will see this activity as 'billable' in the billable domain (invoice overview in user management).
12. Save - And last, but not least, remember to save the activity (ride)!
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