Admin users can add a priority message. It is a permanent message displayed on the Homepage on all platforms. It can also be visible on the community's Digital Signage.
After the user confirms the message, it stays visible on the Homepage during the publishing period.
Adding Priority Message Details
To add a new priority message, in the back office navigation menu, go to PUBLISH > Priority Messages
Here, you will see an overview of all messages that have been created. You can change the status of the message by clicking on the [Choose] drop-down, then change the status to Unpublished or Archived.
To add a new message, click on the [Add message] button in the top right corner.
Once the message form opens, you can select the following options:
- Start publishing - Enter a date
- Start publishing time - Enter a time (pay attention to the [AM] and [PM] toggle button)
- Set end time as well (optional) - Enter a time
- End publishing - Enter a date
- End publishing time - Enter a time (pay attention to the [AM] and [PM] toggle button)
- Title (optional, but recommended)
- Content (30 words maximum)
- Formatting options for the Content box: Bold, Italicize, Underline, Strikethrough, Numbered List, Bulleted List, Alignment, Insert Link, and Insert Video
- The following options can also be chosen for your priority message:
- Collect read reports
- Publish only to certain roles (select or deselect roles to be included in the priority message)
- Broadcast to my digital signage system (select or deselect the Channels to be included in the priority message)
- Also notify users with a push message
- Also notify users by email
When you are finished entering your priority message, click on the [Save] button at the bottom. The priority message will appear on the date and time you have chosen.
Viewing Read Reports
To monitor the information about users that have viewed or not viewed the priority message, in the back office navigation menu, go to PUBLISH > Priority messages. Click on the message to open it, then select the [Read] tab. The Percentage (%) of users will be displayed in parenthesis next to the 'Read' tab. The 'Read' report will display the following filter options and user information in the grid:
- Filters: All Roles, All States (Read/Unread), Search Name field
- Depending on the option you have chosen for Read or Unread, the number of users for the option chosen will be displayed at the top of the grid
- Grid: User name, Contact information, and whether they read the priority message
- If the user has read the priority message, the Read date and time will be displayed in the last column on the right. If not, a 'No' will be displayed in the Read column.
Note: After saving the priority message, it can take up to 10 minutes before the change is visible.
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