Cubigo has partnered with PointClickCare to eliminate the need for multiple log-ins and resources for community staff, residents and families. When a new resident record is created, a new user account is automatically created in Cubigo. Integrate real-time patient demographic and contact information from PointClickCare in the Cubigo resident 360° view. Retrieve basic information about the organization's facilities - like address, Facility ID, and basic PointClickCare configurations.
All customers are required to have a vendor integration package prior to utilizing any Marketplace Integration. PointClickCare provides a streamlined process for enablement of integrations by submitting an electronic form accessible by authorized personnel only from within your PointClickCare instance. The form requires you to specify the legal name of your organization, the application you wish to enable (Cubigo in this case), the facilities you wish to enable integration at, and contact information of the submitter.
- User synchronization
- Email Address
- FirstName
- Instead of syncing the FirstName field of the PCC values with our FirstName field, we now sync the PreferredName field from PCC to our FirstName field when available.
- LastName
- BirthDate
- Phone
- Address2 (=apartment)
- GenderType
- CultureCode
- MoveInDate
- Monitor user creation and changes in PCC
You will not be able to edit these fields within Cubigo, instead, you will update these fields in PCC and this information will flow back into Cubigo within 24 hours.
We will sync the allergies, diets & dining preferences from PointClickCare to Cubigo.
- Allergies
- Diets
- Additional diet information
- Supplement
To activate the Cubigo integration with PointClickCare:
1. Login to PointClickCare.
2. Do one of the following:
Single facility: Home > Marketplace > Manage Integrations.
Multi-facility: Management Console > Home > Manage Integrations.
3. Click Activation Request.
4. Complete the following:
Legal Organization Name - Type your legal organization name at the time of submitting the application activation request.
Application - Select Cubigo in the list.
Select facilities to activate application - Select the facilities in which the application is installed.
Title - Type the title of the authorized requester.
Which email would like to be notified at? - Type email address. This email is used for communication regarding this request.
Requested By -Type the first and surname of the requester. The requester must be an authorized signer for your organization.
Health Care Provider - Type the Health Care Provider name.
Please read and agree to the Terms of Agreement to continue - Read the Terms of Agreement and click Accept.
5. Click Submit.
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