Delete an item before you close the table
If you put in order an item by mistake or the resident changed his/her mind, you can delete this item from the order.
NOTE! It is very important to inform the kitchen about the cancelation of the item as they've already received the ticket with the order and might start preparing it!
To delete the meal first you need to choose the table and tap [Order].
Tap [+ x items that were already sent].
To delete the meal swipe left and tap the red [Delete] button.
Delete an item after you close the table
If you already close the table but in the order was the meal that has to be canceled you can only delete it from the backoffice. All orders that are already paid at the spot (cash, card) cannot be edited, all requests "on invoice" can be changed.
Go to Dining cube --> Eat in via back office and choose the table that was closed to change the order.
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