When you see the message "Video unavailable" this is in most cases caused by 2 possible reasons:
1. Embedded viewing not activated
1. Go to studio.youtube.com and click on Videos
2. Go to the correct video or live channel by choosing the right tab
3. Click the pencil icon on the video or channel row that has the restriction activated
4. Go to the "More options" tab on the Video details page
5. At the bottom of the page, you will find the "Allow embedding" option, activate it
6. Click "Save" at the top of the page to save the changes
2. Audience property - "Made for kids"
If you mark a video as "Made for kids" - then YouTube needs to verify if the viewer is a kid. Our app doesn't use a YouTube account that verifies the viewer as a kid or not. Be sure to check "No, it's not made for kids" - this doesn't make the content not suitable for kids, it's just to explain that the video is not made especially for kids. So choose "No, it's not made for kids"
3. Copyright music used in the video
When you use commercial music in your video, YouTube might not allow embedding the video. This depends on the specific agreement between the Music label and YouTube. So this can be different per video.
YouTube uses a Shazam alike process to scan the video for commercial music. Not all music is detected, sometimes it takes weeks or months before a video gets tagged as containing commercial music.
Re-uploading the video might solve the problem temporarily.
How to check if your video was tagged
1. Go to the youtube url of the video
2. Click on "Show more" underneath the video
3. Scan the page and look for a "Music in this video" section.
4. If this section is there, than this might be the cause why the video isn't allowed for embedding
There is no list of which labels do or do not allow playing their music embedded.
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