In the Print Studio, you can generate a Directory or a Dining Menu.
Navigation: Cubigo > Back-Office Menu > PUBLISH > Print Studio
Directories (Resident and Staff)
The resident and staff directories (available in the [Information] cube) are exportable to a PDF or Word file (.docx format).
You can configure how the content is printed into a PDF or Word file by clicking on [Generate directory] from the Print Studio page and then following the steps below:
- Select roles - These are the profiles to be printed. Select the role(s) you wish to print
- Select format - Select from the following options: Table or Picture book. The Table layout is a table view of all users without profile images. The Picture book version has a tile formatting with profile images. In both versions, we show the user’s first name, last name, role, apt. number, phone number, and email address if this was verified (accepted from a Cubigo invitation mail). We only show verified email addresses.
- Select document type - Select from the following options: Word or PDF
- Click on [Generate directory]
NOTE: If you choose the Word option, it is exported into a .docx format. Since the document will be an actual Word document, you will have the ability to edit the directories such as changing colors, fonts, etc. If you make any changes to the Word document, remember to save it to your files. Any changes made to the Word document will NOT affect your profiles in user management (the information only flows from your profiles; therefore, it is one-directional).
Dining Menu
You can generate a daily menu, weekly menu, or specify the date range of the menu by clicking on [Generate menu] from the Print Studio page and then following the steps below:
- Select date - For what day(s) would you like to create a menu? Click on the drop-down menu, then select one of the following options: Today, This week, Next week, or Specify (click on the drop-down calendars to select a date range)
- Select view - Dayview (simple), Dayview (detailed), or Weekview. You will see the 'Weekview' option if you choose one of the following date options: This week, Next week, or Specify
- Select timeslot - Select one of the following options: Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner
- Select role - For what role would you like to create a menu? Select from the following roles: Resident SN, Resident AL, Resident MC, or Resident IL
- Menu title - Please provide a title that will be visible on top of the menus. Enter a customized title for your menu such as 'Dinner Menu for February 6 - February 12'
- Click on the [Generate menu] button to begin the export
NOTE: The Dining Menu will be exported in a Word format (.docx). Since the document will be an actual Word document, you will have the ability to edit the exported menu such as changing colors, fonts, adding or deleting columns, etc. If you make any changes to the Word document, remember to save it to your files. Any changes made to the Word document will NOT affect your current Dining items (the information only flows from your Dining items; therefore, it is one-directional).
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