As staff, you can make a table reservation for residents, visitors, family. Go to the Reservations in the menu and click the button [Add request]. The table reservation form will be gradually extended as the requestor fills it out. The available options will depend on the selection you've made in the field above.
As requestor ( staff or resident via front office) you'll make a table reservation step by step and you'll select
- the resident
- the day: a default day is the current day
- the available service: default the currently running service is shown or the next service coming up
- the number of people: default number is set to 2, the maximum number in this dropdown is defined by the max party size that is configured for the current service in your community ( eg max 10 persons per reservation)
- the available timeslots for this service for the selected number of people
- special occasion (if active) : you can indicate a special occasion ( eg Birthday)
- high chair or booster seat (if active): this option can be configured per community
- special request (free text) : this is an optional field to give extra information or a suggestion to the dining staff
The date, service, time slot and party size are mandatory to submit a table reservation.
Special occasion and High chair option are property lists (tags) that are configurable per community. They can also be used for other purposes, eg indication of where in the restaurant you prefer to sit (garden terrace, at window,…) or a wine selection list.
On the day of the reservation, the requestor will receive a reminder on his homescreen that mentions the reservation time, number of people and the table (if this last one is entered by staff).
The reservation also appears in the resident’s personal schedule and also in the family follow up widget if this is active for a family member.
Reaching and Exceeding Limits
- A red dot appears in the back office when the maximum capacity will be reached when saving the current reservation - this allows Team Members to be aware that they took the last places for a given slot
- When you go over the capacity a red dot and a red banner will be visible
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