Go to back office navigation menu (left panel) PUBLISH > News.
An overview of the different news items that are published in your community. In the top right corner, you will see an [Add article] button.
By clicking on the [Add article] button, a form will be displayed where you can enter the details of this article:
Note: We suggest limiting the number of characters for a news article to 500 characters, for optimal legibility in Digital Signage.
You start indicating the publication date for an article within a certain category. News items with a publishing date in the future are labeled as ‘Planned’ in the item overview, with the publish date. At the publishing date, the status changes to ‘Published’ and the news item appears at the top of the news thread. You can also set the end-publishing time by enabling this option and selecting the time and date.
With the Category menu, you can select the service a news article relates to. Every service in your community can have its own news articles. Corresponding to your role (service), you can publish news articles in a specific category. We also provide an "Information" category for news that relates to all of the community. The news article's category is also displayed as an icon next to the article's title:
New news categories:
- Just for fun
- Resident highlights
- Neighborhood
You can add multiple images to the news article. Either click inside the grey box and select an image file, or drag and drop an image file from your computer into the grey box. Images that are uploaded are published in non-sequential order.
You can optimize the image for various screen resolutions by clicking the most important part of the image. The application highlights this part of the image for every screen resolution.
If you are not happy with the image you selected you can press the button [Remove file] that appears under the image that has been uploaded and add another image.
Images are not a required piece of a news article. It's completely optional.
This is fairly self-explanatory. The "Title" field is where you can enter a title for the article.
It is not required to add a title.
The content is the essence of the news article you are publishing. You can type the text of the article into this box or copy and paste the text you want to publish from another source.
You can add file attachments to the news items, viewable and downloadable by the users. Supported formats: PDF, XLSX and DOCX
Allow comments
By checking this box you allow residents and other staff to add reactions to your news article. Residents can only delete the comments they have placed themselves. But staff can delete any comment from anyone.
Publish to my digital signage
News articles are daily broadcasted. Publication to digital signage is checked by default (if active in your community). You can select to which screens (select a community channel TV1, TV2 and TV3, … ) this information is published.
- Show a video instead of an image (if applicable)
- Show in full-screen mode
- When opting for the 'full-screen' mode, you will broadcast an image that occupies the entire digital sign. It's important to know that preceding this full image slide, there will be a standard news article slide. This conventional slide features the article title on the left along with any supplementary content that might have been input, and a regularly sized image on the right side of the screen.
- Duration per image
Restrict broadcast
When "Publish to my digital signage system" is selected for a specific news item, you can manage the broadcasting via "Restrict broadcast".
You have 4 options for broadcasting:
- Until 7 days after publishing
- Until 15 days after publishing
- Until 30 days after publishing
- Specify: select the start date (today) till end date (default today+7 days) in the date picker
The selected start and end dates are applied to the digital signage broadcasting, they do not apply to the news thread on the homepage.
Save Article
It is important to Save your article. Only then will it be published to your community. If you forget to save the article and navigate away from the page you will lose any text you may have entered.
Article is closed for comments.