It is possible to leave comments on news items. But if a comment contains an error or if a comment is inappropriate then residents always have the possibility to delete any comments they themselves have placed. Please refer to this article to read how a resident manages the news.
As an administrator, you have the right to hide any comments on news articles that are posted by the residents. Begin by opening the news item. In that view press the Comments button next to the article:
We display an overview of all the comments on that news item. Select the comment or comments you wish to hide with the checkbox or click on the [change] button near the comment.
After that, you can change the status of these items with the [Change status to] dropdown menu. Change the status to Moderated and press Apply.
The comment(s) will no longer be visible to residents.
If you want to unpublish an entire news article with all the comments that are attached to it then please refer to this article:
How to unpublish news articles
Article is closed for comments.