To protect access to your account and information we advise you to first change the password that we provided to you for your initial log in.
Your password is one of the elements that is saved in your personal profile. You have access to your personal profile via the colored bar at the top of your screen. In the top-right corner of this bar, you will see a picture. You can enter your personal profile by pressing on that picture or on the little arrow and your personal menu will slide open.
Press on Profile to access your personal settings. Now press again anywhere on the left half of the screen to fully display your personal menu. The pencils indicate the profile elements which you can change.
To change your password, press or click on the pencil icon next to Password. First enter your current password as 'Old password' and then enter your 'New password' twice in the provided fields. Confirm your new password by pressing the Save button.
Your password must be at least 8 characters!
Write down your new password and keep it in a safe place.
Next time you log in with your new password:
- On your personal computer and mobile devices check the box to "Keep me logged in" so that you can quickly access to community services and information without re-entering your account information.
- If you use a public computer or one accessible to anyone in the community - leave this unchecked.
If you mistype your username or password when you are logging in, the following message will appear:
If you do not remember your password, you can reset it by following these steps.
1. After receiving the error, click on Forgot Your Password?
2. Next you can send yourself an email to reset your password. Note that this will only work if you have a personal email address in Cubigo. If you have a generic Cubigo email address, or you do not receive the password reset email, please reach out to a team member in your community to reset your password.
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