The upper menu bar gives access to News, Chats, Notifications and staff Profile. The widget homescreen view will be set as the default view setting for all staff and admin users (even if residents select the large cubes view).
A staff task widget is available as staff task dashboard on the homescreen. This can be activated on community level. Here we show the number of flagged notes, the open tasks and tasks assigned to you.
The staff task widget consists of 3 parts:
- flagged notes: counts the number of flagged notes across all users and deeplinks to the ‘notes’ overview tab in the user management section. We added a filter ‘show only flagged notes’ above the notes grid, which is activated when using this widget deeplink.
- open tasks: counts the number of open tasks across all users and deeplinks to the ‘tasks’ overview tab in the user management section.
- my tasks: counts the number of open tasks across all users that are assigned to me and deeplinks to the ‘tasks’ overview tab in the user management section, with setting ‘show only my tasks’ activated. The ‘my tasks’ block also shows 3 counts: overdue tasks, tasks with due date today, and due date in the future – assigned to me. The color pills have no separate deeplinks.
As staff you have 2 options to enter a request for a resident, guest or family.
Option 1: click on the plus icon in the service cube to open the service request detail page. This plus icon appears in all services where a request by staff is allowed.
Option 2: select the service in the dropdown above the cubes
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