Users can ask about the weather for today or any upcoming day of the week. Alexa will then inform them of the expected temperature range and weather type.
Example Dialogue:
Q: Alexa, ask my community the weather forecast for Today
A: Today the temperature will be between <min temp> and <max temp> <celsius/fahrenheit>, it will be <weather type>
Supported commands to retrieve the weather:
What's the temperature {period}
What's it like outside {period}
What's it like outside
What's the weather
what is the weather in {period}
what's the forecast for the {period}
what's the weather forecast for {period}
hows the weather {period}
tell us the weather for the {period}
can you get the weather for {period}
can you show me the weather for the {period}
how's the weather in {period}
what's the weather going to be like {period}
tell me the weather like in {period}
can you get us the weather for the {period}
for the weather like
tell the weather like
what's the forecast going to be like {period}
what will the weather be {period}
get me the weather forecast going to be {period}
whats the weather forecast for {period}
give us the weather like
can you show me the weather forecast going to be {period}
can you show me the weather for {period}
can you give me the weather for {period}
show me the weather for the {period}
can you tell me the forecast {period}
can you tell us the weather on {period}
give the weather forecast {period}
can you give us the forecast {period}
get the weather forecast {period}
what's the weather for the {period}
what is the weather like in {period}
what is the {period}
what is the weather forecast {period}
for the weather {period}
can you tell me the weather {period}
what's the weather forecast going to be {period}
what's the weather {period}
whats the weather like in {period}
what's the forecast {period}
what kind of weather {period}
for the weather on {period}
the weather {period}
do I need an umbrella {period}
what's the weather like
what's the weather like {period}
for the weather for {period}
what is the weather {period}
what is the weather for {period}
What is the weather like {period}
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