Users can retrieve the menu for today, tomorrow, or any upcoming day of the week. When doing so Alexa will return the daily specials for that day.
This is the menu of the community’s default location.
By default, Alexa will go over the entire menu for each dining slot that isn’t surpassed. But if desired, the user can ask for a specific slot and/or course.
Example Dialogue - the entire menu:
Q: Alexa, ask my community the menu for Today
A: The menu for breakfast, <course> <menuitems>, <course> <menuitems>, … for lunch, <course> <menuitems>, <course> <menuitems>, … for dinner, <course> <menuitems>, <course> <menuitems>, …
Example Dialogue - a specific slot:
Q: Alexa, ask my community what’s for dinner Today.
A: The menu for <slot>, <course> <menuitems>, <course> <menuitems>, …
Example Dialogue - a specific course:
Q: Alexa, ask my community what’s for dinner Today.
A: The <course> for <slot> are <menuitems>
Supported commands to retrieve dining information are:
Can you share the menu for {day}
Can you share the menu
What can I eat {day}
What's on the menu {day}
what's for {timeSlot}
whats for {timeSlot}
what's on the menu
the menu for {timeSlot} on {day}
the menu for {timeSlot} {day}
the menu for {timeSlot}
the {timeSlot} menu {day}
the {timeSlot} menu
the menu
what are {timeSlot} {mealType} {day}
what are the {timeSlot} {day}
what is the {timeSlot} for {day}
what is the {mealType} for {timeSlot} {day}
what is the {mealType} for {day}
{mealType} for {timeSlot} {day}
what do i {mealType} for {day}
can you show us the {mealType} for {day}
can you give us the {timeSlot} {mealType} for {day}
can you tell me the {timeSlot} {mealType} for {day}
can you get me the {mealType} for {day}
what was {timeSlot} {day}
can you tell the {timeSlot} {mealType} for {day}
tell me the menu {day}
{mealType} {day}
for {timeSlot} on the {day} menu
tell me the {timeSlot} {mealType} menu for {day}
get me the {timeSlot} {mealType} menu for {day}
can you get the {timeSlot} {mealType} menu for {day}
the meals for {day}
the menu for {day}
{day} 's menu
The menus
{mealType} menu for {day}
for the {mealType} menu for {day}
what is the {mealType} menu for {day}
for the {timeSlot} {mealType} menu for {day}
for the {timeSlot} menu for {day}
what is the {timeSlot} {mealType} menu for {day}
menu for {day}
what is for {timeSlot} {day}
{mealType} {timeSlot} menu {day}
{timeSlot} {mealType} menu {day}
{mealType} menu {day}
{timeSlot} menu {day}
menu {day}
What are the {mealType} for {timeSlot} {day}
give me the menu for {day}
What are the {timeSlot} {mealType} for {day}
What is the {timeSlot} menu for {day}
What is the menu for {day}
What is {day} menu
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