Users can retrieve birthdays for today, tomorrow, or any upcoming day of the week. When doing so Alexa will return the birthdays of team members and residents (taking into account their privacy settings).
If the user has a birthday today, Alexa will congratulate them.
Example Dialogue:
Q: Alexa, ask my community the birthdays for Today.
A: <name>, <name>, and <name> are celebrating their birthday Today.
A birthday dialogue when it is the user’s own birthday can look like this:
Q: Alexa, ask my community birthdays for Today.
A: It is your birthday Today, congratulations!
Supported commands to retrieve birthdays are:
Who is celebrating a birthday {date}
Whose birthday is {date}
Any birthdays {date}
when there's a birthday {date}
if there's a birthday {date}
when the birthday party {date}
what birthday do I have in {date}
what birthdays are on {date}
what do my birthday do we {date}
if there's a party {date}
are there are the birthdays for {date}
what are the birthdays {date}
if there are the birthdays for {date}
what kind of birthday is {date}
are there are the birthdays {date}
do we have a birthday {date}
what birthday do you {date}
what are any birthdays for {date}
are there any birthdays for {date}
if there are any birthdays for {date}
who's anniversary is it {date}
who's birthday is it {date}
who are the birthday boys and girls {date}
who are the birthday boys and girls
who is the birthday girl
who is the birthday boy
who's anniversary it is {date}
who's birthday it is {date}
who's anniversary it is
who's birthday it is
if anyone is celebrating an anniversary {date}
if anyone is celebrating a birthday {date}
if anyone is celebrating an anniversary
if someone is celebrating a birthday
if someone is celebrating an anniversaries
if there are any anniversaries {date}
if there are any anniversaries
the anniversaries
if there are any birthdays {date}
if there are birthdays {date}
are there birthdays {date}
are there any birthdays {date}
what birthdays are there {date}
What are the birthdays for {date}
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